Tuesday, February 15, 2011


So much to say last week was for me an exciting week I felt I was really getting into my creative stride so far as my writing was concerned. After weeks of broken, interrupted time when it was impossible to focus, and write, last week was brillant. Added to that excitement was  Liz Michalski's book signing of her debut novel Evenfall . I emailed her as soon as I knew I was going, and felt so nervous knowing how busy this time must be for her. However she responded very quickly and gave me some insights into her world, and that of a writer, she answered my questions, and gave me food for thought. Liz has been writing for years, and had attended a few workshops at a place called Grubstreet in  Boston . They hold writers workshops, conferences where you can meet not only other writers but publishers, and agents. You can also arrange to send a section of your manuscript usually 25 pages that are completed in to be viewed, and critqued by a published author that has an interest or writes in the same field as you.

So much to do, it did give me such an exhilaration being in talks with someone who shares the same passion but is that much further ahead than myself. It is like a light glowing at the end of a very long dark and mysterious tunnel. Anway, I am trying to furiously get 25 pages as finished as I can so I can get some feedback via grubstreet have to submit by thursday. Argh !!!! I have also sent my entire manuscript to two of my friends for their scrutiny I am not sure I want to know their feelings......yet..... I am in my bubble, scared it is going to be burst very soon. It is a work in progress. A labour of love. My hubbie has also managed to read to chapter eight now without falling asleep only nearly and he continues to give me daily advice on how to spice the book up as you could imagine only a bloke could. Liz did say it took her 7 years to finish her book being a working mother of two. I am not sure how long it will take me, to get it to such a stage where it would be worthy of publication but I am having such fun so I will have to keep plodding along until I do.

Cheers for now Jen

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